One boy, in a wheelchair, was pushed onto the stage and then lifted out and helped to stand while he received his diploma and then helped (carried almost) to walk across the stage. Everyone in the auditorium stood and applauded. Many, like me, with tears streaming down their faces. This boy's launch was far more extraordinary than the launch of my new novel. And somehow I needed to talk about him first. I don't even know his name, but I will never forget this courageous young man completing his milestone and the love and admiration that was shown to him in that Nashville auditorium.
Okay, now I'll move on to the lesser launch.
I'll include two that brought tears to my eyes. It's a crazy thing the way good reviews make me cry--not the bad ones.
"I voluntarily read and reviewed Redemption Lake by Susan Clayton-Goldner. Matt ends up in an extremely bad situation when he wakes up after sleeping some beer off at his friend's house and finds his best friend's mother, Crystal, dead in her bathtub with a slit throat. Matt worries about the consequences of every one of his actions and how those actions affect the people around him. The mystery surrounding Crystal's death causes turmoil within the community. The suspect becomes difficult to narrow down and the uncertainty left me guessing until the end. Secrets are exposed and relationships are stretched thin in this well written mystery. "...wisdom grows out of disillusionment. We evolve from what hurts us, what happens in our own hearts as a result of that pain." Profound and life-changing statement. 5 stars!"
"It was amazing. I believe this author could write anything. Mysteries have always intrigued me and Redemption Lake (RL)did not disappoint. The reader cannot help feeling good while reading and feels almost "healed" of any life issues by the end of the story. I had no idea where the story was going, i.e. I could not have guessed the outcome, which to me is the epitome of writing a good mystery. I cannot wait for S C-G's next release. Sadly, her books are so compelling that I cannot put them down and the excitement of being lost in the story only lasts for a day or two and the few days afterwards when I am wondering what the characters are doing. Hopefully a new book will be on the shelves soon. If I had not read a Bend in the Willow, I would have said RL is the best book I have ever read."